Syntax Templates and Common Patterns

This section contains examples of patterns you'll see and use frequently while learning Java. Each entry will have a label to describe the pattern's purpose, one or more versions of the pattern with placeholders written between arrow brackets <like this>, and one or more examples of code that follows the pattern. If code is left out of the middle of a pattern or example (usually because that part isn't relevant to the pattern), it will be replaced with an ellipsis (...).


// Print a string literal
println(<string literal>);

// Print a variable
println(<variable name>);

// Print a concatenated string
println(<string concatenation expression>);


// Print a string literal
println("Hello, world!");
println("I'm a string literal!");

// Print a variable

// Print a concatenated string
println("Your name is: " + name + ".");
println("The value of x is " + x + ", and the value of y is " + y + ".");

Declare and initialize a variable


// Infer the variable's type
var <variable name> = <initial value expression>;

// Explicitly state the variable's type
<type> <variable name> = <initial value expression>;


// Infer the variable's type
var mailingAddress = "123 Fake Ln";
var accountBalance = 5 - 3;

// Explicitly state the variable's type
String mailingAddress = "123 Fake Ln";
int accountBalance = 5 - 3;

Declare a variable without initializing


<type> <variable name>;


double area;
String userName;

Read user input to a variable (jshell simplified I/O)


// Declare & initialize a new variable with inferred type
var <variable name> = <input function call>;

// Declare & initialize a new variable with explicit type
<type> <variable name> = <input function call>;

// Reassign existing variable
<variable name> = <input function call>;


// Declare & initialize a new variable with inferred type
var year = nextInt();
var initial = nextChar();

// Declare & initialize a new variable with explicit type
int year = nextInt();
char initial = nextChar();

// Reassign existing variable
year = nextInt();
initial = nextChar();

If statement


if (<condition>) {


if (x % 2 != 0) {
    println("X is odd.");
if (numberOfDays < 365) {
    println("The first year isn't over yet.");
    println("There are " + (365 - numberOfDays) + " left in the year.");

If statement with else


if (<condition>) {
} else {


if (x % 2 == 0) {
    println("X is even.");
} else {
    println("X is odd.");
if (numberOfDays < 365) {
    println("The first year isn't over yet.");
    println("There are " + (365 - numberOfDays) + " left in the year.");
} else {
    println("The first year has ended.");
    println("It's been " + (numberOfDays - 365) + " since the end of the first year.");

Check if value is in a range


// Boolean expression, exclusive range
<lower bound> < <value> && <value> < <upper bound>

// Boolean expression, inclusive range
<lower bound> <= <value> && <value> <= <upper bound>

// If statement, exclusive range
if (<lower bound> < <value> && <value> < <upper bound>) {

// If statement, inclusive range
if (<lower bound> <= <value> && <value> <= <upper bound>) {


// Boolean expression, exclusive range
0 < x && x < 11

// Boolean expression, inclusive range
1 <= x && x <= 10
minimumHeight <= height && height <= maximumHeight

// If statement, exclusive range
if (0 < x && x < 11) {
    println("x is a number from 1 to 10");

// If statement, inclusive range
if (1 <= x && x <= 10) {
    println("x is a number from 1 to 10");
if (minimumHeight <= height && height <= maximumHeight) {

Else-If Chain


if (<condition>) {
} else if (<condition>) {
} else if ...
} else {


if (month == 1) {
} else if (month == 2) {
} else if ...
} else {

Initialize Variable With If


<type> <name>;
if (<condition>) {
    <name> = <expression>;
} else {
    <name> = <expression>;

<type> <name>;
if (<condition>) {
    <name> = <expression>;
} else if (<condition>) {
    <name> = <expression>;
} else if ...
} else {
    <name> = <expression>;


String parity;
if (number % 2 == 0) {
    parity = "even";
} else {
    parity = "odd";

String monthText;
if (monthNumber == 1) {
    monthText = "January";
} else if (monthNumber == 2) {
    monthText = "February";
} else if ...
else {
    monthText = "December";

While Loop


while (<condition>) {


int x = 0;
while (x < 1 || x > 10) {
    println("Please enter a number from 1 to 10.");
    x = nextInt();

Counting Loop


// Count up
int <counting variable> = 0;
while (<counting variable> < <total repetitions>) {
    <counting variable> = <counting variable> + 1;

// Count down
int <counting variable> = <total repetitions>;
while (<counting variable> > 0) {
    <counting variable> = <counting variable> - 1;


// Count up 0 to 14
int count = 0;
while (count < 15) {
    if (count % 2 == 0) {
        println(count + " is even.");
    } else {
        println(count + " is odd.");
    count = count + 1;

// Count up 1 to 15
int count = 1;
while (count <= 15) {
    if (count % 2 == 0) {
        println(count + " is even.");
    } else {
        println(count + " is odd.");
    count = count + 1;

// Count down 15 to 1
int count = 15;
while (count > 0) {
    if (count % 2 == 0) {
        println(count + " is even.");
    } else {
        println(count + " is odd.");
    count = count - 1;

// Count down 14 to 0
int count = 14;
while (count >= 0) {
    if (count % 2 == 0) {
        println(count + " is even.");
    } else {
        println(count + " is odd.");
    count = count - 1;